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A He who to that one’s belly turns his back,
is Aruns, who in Luni’s mountain quarries,
where toils the Carrarese who dwells below
among white marbles had as dwelling-place
a cave, from which his view was not cut off,
when at the stars he gazed, or at the sea.


Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedya
Inferno - XX


After more than 40 years from the foundation of Dalle Nogare geom. Sergio Srl., We decided to expand our horizons to face a new challenge: from some years now we have opened a new stone gallery in the Carrara  area and a new warehouse in Verona has recently been added. Thus, the MARBLEPOINT project was born with the aim of becoming an excellence in the marketing of Apuan Marbles as well as other imported stones and travertines, using the skills of young and dynamic staff , always attentive to the customers’ needs. Our warehouses can be molded by the presence of precious materials such as "Calacatta", "Statuary", "White Carrara" and "Arabescato", carefully inspected throughout their processing cycle to ensure their quality in line with The highest market standards.



MARBLE POINT di Dalle Nogare Geom. Sergio s.r.l .
All Rights Reserved. P.IVA 01313120220

Verona (VR ) - Via Primo Maggio, 76/B - 37020 - Italy
Tel. +39 045 6860249
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